Life strategies of modern ukrainian students: methodological approaches and classification


  • Iulia Zablotska National Pedagogical Dragomanov University (Kyiv, Ukraine), Україна


Ключові слова:

higher education, life strategy, student, values, motivation


Life strategy in personal dimension could be identified as a complex phenomenon, which includes main key dimensions and categories that characterize person’s life and behavior. Life strategy is a way of life self-determining, self-establishing, self-expression and self-organizing as well as the ability to bring living conditions according with personality own values and individual uniqueness. The student life strategies directly connected with higher education. Author’s sociological research (survey) examines the main features of life strategies of modern Ukrainian students. In the article, the author's typology of the main types of life strategies of students is proposed. The tipology reflects the crucial connection with the appropriate understanding of the place and role of higher education: career-pragmatic (focus on success, career achievement), universal education (set to general higher education and self-realization), and adaptive-conformist (orientation to receive formal education, on the circle of interesting dialogue, etc.).

Біографія автора

Iulia Zablotska, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University (Kyiv, Ukraine)

Post graduating student, Department of Social Philosophy, Philosophy of Education and Educational policy


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